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Attendance Matters

Attendance Policies

What is Considered an Absence?

Any time a student is not in class, it is considered an absence.

Excused Absence

  • Illness (school may ask for a medical note if there are 3 or more illness days in a row, or excessive illnesses)
  • Religious Holidays
  • Family Emergencies
  • Medical/Mental Health/Dental Appointments (when possible, schedule outside of the school day and attend school before or after appointment)

Unexcused Absence

  • Travel/Vacation
  • Tired from work/travel
  • Weather: too hot/cold
  • Babysitting
  • Car trouble
  • Missed bus
  • Overslept
  • Not immunized
  • Needed at home

Reporting Absences

Absences- English


Absence- Hmong


Absence Spanish


Absences- Karen




Report an Absence

Call the Main Office at


It’s important to communicate with your student’s school when they’re going to be absent. Inform the school about barriers to attendance and we will do our best to work with you and your student.


When leaving a voice message, provide:

  • Your Name
  • Phone Number
  • Student's Name
  • Student's Teacher Name/Grade
  • Reason for Absence
  • Today's Date

Did You Know?

  • It’s important to communicate with your student’s school when they’re going to be absent. Inform the school about barriers to attendance and we will do our best to work with you and your student. 

  • Missing less than nine days of school each year helps students to stay engaged, experience success in their schoolwork and keep on track to graduate on time.​

  • Attending school regularly beginning in Preschool and Kindergarten will help students to:

    • Gain early reading and math skills
    • Build relationships​

    • Develop good attendance habits throughout your student’s school career

Frequent absences can be a sign that a student is losing interest in school, struggling with schoolwork, school anxiety, struggling with a peer, or facing some other difficulty. Reach out to your student's teacher, attendance lead, school counselor or social worker for support.